Top 10 Rawhide Alternatives for Dogs

There are several rawhide alternatives for dogs that cannot digest rawhide chews or for those owners that would prefer to give their dog something a little more natural or meat like.

Rawhide Alternatives for Dogs

Rawhide Alternatives for Dogs

So no need to hide your slippers out of reach of your puppy anymore as there are more than enough chews and treats listed below to keep your canine friend occupied for a long time to come. The following selection is made up of animal products, vegetable chews and fun synthetic chews that you can add fillings to.

Here are 10 alternatives to rawhide bones and chews for your dog. They are not listed in any specific order and if you have any others that you’d like to add or have any experiences with these products then just leave a comment below.

It is always advised to watch your dog while it is eating as there is always a possibility of chocking if they bite off more than they can chew.

1. Bully Sticks

bully sticks for dogs

Bully sticks for dogs are very popular

One of the most popular alternatives are bully sticks for dogs. These are made from pure beef so they are more calorie dense than rawhide but being a meat product they are more digestible. Some dog owners are put off by the fact that they are dried bull penises but you dog won’t mind at all. They are high in protein and low in fat and an excellent substitute for rawhide although they are a little more expensive.

Find Bully Sticks Online

2. Smartbones

Smartbones chews

Smartbones chews

These rawhide free dog chews are made with real, dried chicken breast with added vitamins and minerals. They are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate dogs from 5 to 50 lbs. They are easily digestible and are easier to chew than rawhide which also means that they tend not to last as long.

Find SmartBones Online

3. Nylabone Chews

Nylabone chew toys

Nylabone chew toys

Nylabone dura chews are a synthetic dog chew which, as the name suggests, are made from nylon. They are tough and come in a variety of shapes from the original bone style to more fun dinosaur designs. They are available in a range of sizes to match your dogs needs and will last a long time.

Find Nylabone Chews Online

4. Antlers

Antler dog chews are long lasting

Antler dog chews are long lasting

Antlers dog chews are normally sourced either from either elk or deer. Normally sized from 4 to 10 inches. They are an excellent source of calcium, zinc, manganese and potassium and are not greasy or smelly like some other dog chews so they are fine to eat inside the house. Elk horns are especially suited to large aggressive chewers.

Find Antlers Online

5. Kong Toys

Kong dog toys

Kong dog toys

Kong toys for dogs have been on the market for over 30 years. They are made from a tough puncture proof rubber and are super durable . The unusual shape and rubber casing makes the toy bounce in unpredictable directions making it a very enjoyable toy for your dog. Hollow inside they can be filled with your dogs favorite filling such as peanut butter or even ice cream. Available for any dog size.

Find Kong Toys Online

6. Venison Ears

venison ears for dogs

Venison ears

Venison ears are not as popular as some of the other dog chews listed here, mainly due to their price and availability. Natural and gluten free they are made from 100% dried deer ears and are low in fat. Venison ears are suitable for medium to large sized dogs.

Find Venison Ears Online

7. Sweet Potato Dog Treats

sweet potato dog treats

sweet potato dog treats

Made from thick slides of sweet potato many types are ridged so as to promote good dental hygiene. This vegetable alternative to rawhide is ideal for small to medium sized dogs. High in fiber and natural vitamins they won’t stink your house out.

Find Sweet Potato Treats Online

8. Chicken Feet

chicken feet

Chicken feet

They may look a little strange but that won’t put your dog off chewing on them. Great for small dogs and puppies. Pick some up from the local butcher.

9. Dried Beef Trachea

Dried Beef Trachea

Dried Beef Trachea

Another natural product natural and a great source of Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine which promote strong healthy joints. Hollow inside so you can add and extra filling such as peanut butter, cheese or meat. Not as long lasting as bully sticks or rawhide but still a very good treat.

Find Dried Beef Trachea Online

10. Raw Knuckle Bones

Raw Knuckle Bones

Raw Knuckle Bones

Why not head down to your local butchers and pick up some raw knuckle bones for you dog. Raw bones are ideal as not only are they what animals are used to eating in the wild they are not brittle like their cooked counterparts. Perfect for large dogs they are an excellent source of minerals,  proteins, enzymes and essential fatty acids.

If you don’t have a butchers near you then they are also available frozen from online stores such as petfooddirect.

Find Raw Knuckle Bones Online



  1. rawhidesupport says

    Carrots are another alternative if you want something a little more green and healthy.

    • Jose VanderKamp says

      ok thanks a lot! she is doing fine with the bathroom, so i think what ever she swallowed was small enough to pass through.

  2. Ian Heaton says

    Pegetables are also another amazing alternative

  3. Jose VanderKamp says

    my dog is destroying the brown nylonbone. i have seen her swallowing bits and pieces. is this harmful she is 3 months old?

    • DahlMyLife Animations says

      I reccomend taking those toys away from her for a while. Ask your vet and keep a very close eye on her. Make sure she is going to the bathroom alright and if not then bring her in right away.

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